Set up>Accounting> Invoicing Preferences> Show Billable Subtotals on Invoices Create Bill withbillable item= Yes
1.Transactions > Payables >Enter Bills
---Enter2 items with same customer and mark it as billable
2.Transactions > Employees > Weekly TimeSheet
---Enter2 lines with different service item but same customer and mark it billable
---Then"Approve" it
3.Transactions > Employees > Enter Expensereport
---Enter2 lines with different Category but same customer and mark it as billable
---Then"Approve" it
4.Invoice the customer for all the billable items and expenses created on 1-3
---Subtotalappears on the invoice
5.Click on Print
Result:No subtotal on the printed invoice
Toprint the subtotal go to Set up>Accounting> Invoicing Preferences> Mark the following:
Show Billable Subtotalson Invoices Create Bill with billable item = Yes
Group Billable Typeson Invoices = Yes
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