Saturday, December 15, 2018

Print Shipping Phone or Billing Phone on Transactions

By design, Billing and Shipping Phone Numbers are not included when printing transactions. This has been submitted as Enhancement

As an alternate solution, create a custom field that will source the Ship To Phone Number and add it as a custom element to the PDF Layout of the transaction forms.

A. Create a custom transaction body field:
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Transaction Body Fields > New.
2. Provide a Label.
3. Set the Type to Phone Number.
4. Uncheck Store Value.
5. Under Applies To tab, mark Sale.
6. Under Display tab, set Subtab to Shipping.
7. Set the following under Sourcing & Filtering tab:
    - Source List = Customer

    - Source From = Shipping Phone

9. Click Save & Apply to Forms.
10. Find the transaction form(s) where the field should print and mark its corresponding Show and Print checkboxes.
11. Click Save.

B. Add the custom field as a custom element to the PDF Layout.
1. Customize the Transaction PDF Layout assigned to the transaction form by navigating to  Customization > Forms >  Transaction Form PDF Layouts.
Note: If unsure of which Transaction PDF Layout to customize, view one transaction and click Customize > Customize Form. Take note of the PDF Layout.
2. Click Add Custom Element.
3. In the Choose Element(s) box, select the custom field created in Step A.
4. Drag the custom element below the Ship To Address box. Make sure no other element overlaps it; otherwise, the value will not appear when printed.
5. Click Save.

To test, view a transaction with a Shipping Phone and print it.

Similarly, the Bill To Phone can be printed under the Billing Address of transactions by performing the same steps above except for using the following sourcing values in Step A.7
    - Source List = Customer
    - Source From = Billing Phone

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