Sunday, November 4, 2018

Viewing Custom Record Entries Throws the Error "An unexpected suite scripts error has occurred"

User views an existing custom record entry and encountered an error "An unexpected suite scripts error has occurred".

Steps to Reproduce

I. Create a custom record type.
1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > New.
2. Enter the name of the record type in the Name field.
3. Click Save.

II. Create new fields for the custom record.

Create a custom record field that will source a list of standard record - i.e. Customer.

1. Click the New Field button.
2. Set Label to Customer.
3. Set the Type as List/Record.
4. In the List/Record field select Customer.
5. Click Save.

III. Create custom record entries.
1. Navigate to
Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.
2. Click the New Record link for the custom record created in Step I.
3. Enter a value for the Customer field (and Name field if required).
4. Click Save.

IV. Edit the custom record type and add a new custom field
1. Navigate to 
Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.
2. Click on the name of the record type created in Step I.
3. Click on the New Field button.
4. Set the Type to Free-Form Text.
5. Set Store Value to False.
7. Click on Sourcing and Filtering tab
6. Click on the Source List drop down and select the field created in Step II, A
7. In the Source From field drop down, select State. 

Note:  We want to pull up the State assigned to the Customer record Address.
8. Navigate to
Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.
7. Open the list of Custom Record entries created in Step III.
8. Click View or Edit on any entry.

Actual Result

"An unexpected suite scripts error has occurred."

The root cause of the error is the custom record field that sources information within the same record.  Instead of using the Source List and Source From, use the Default Value to enter a formula to pull up related information. 

1. Edit the new custom record field that sources information from another list of record. (Step# IV.)
2. Unset the Source From and Source List fields.
3. Under Validation & Defaulting set the Default Value to {ID of custom field created in Step II, A.state}. 
4. Check the Formula box. 
5. Click Save.

Note: The value for this custom field will show up after saving the record.

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