Friday, November 9, 2018

View or Edit a Custom Record Entry from the Parent record on a New Tab

User created a custom record that has a parent record (e.g. Parent Record is Customer). When viewing or editing the custom record entry from the Parent record (e.g Customer), the custom record entry opens in the same window. To View or Edit the Custom Record Entry on a new tab, perform the following steps:

 1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.
 2. Edit the Custom Record.
 3. In the Fields tab, click New Field.
 4. Set the following:
  Label: View
  Type: Free-Form Text
  Store Value: No
  Show in List: Yes
  Display tab > Display Type: Inline Text
  Validation & Defaulting tab > Default Value (Formula: Yes): 

Note: Replace the rectype with the Internal ID of the custom record. In the formula above the internal ID of the custom record is 50 hence, rectype=50.

 5. Click Save.
 6. Create a new field, settings below:
  Label: Edit
  Type: Free-Form Text
  Store Value: No
  Show in List: Yes
  Display tab > Display Type: Inline Text
  Validation & Defaulting tab > Default Value (Formula: Yes): 


 7. Click Save.

To test, go to the parent record then View or Edit the custom record entry using the fields created above..

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