Saturday, November 24, 2018

User Cannot See the Display in Web Site Checkbox When Creating Site Categories

User's role already has permission for Internal Publisher to create Site Category but the Display in Web Site check box is not available.

1. Create a custom role that will have permission for Lists > Internal Publisher.
2. Log in as that role.
3. Navigate to Lists > Web Site > Categories > New.

Actual Results: The Display in Web Site checkbox is missing.
Creating Site Categories requires the permission for Internal Publisher however if the Site Category is published to their web site, the role also requires the Website (External) Publisher permission.

Create or edit the existing custom role to add the permission:
1. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
2. Edit the custom role.
3. Under Permissions tab > Lists subtab, add Website (External) Publisher.
4. Click Save.
5. Log in using the custom role.
6. Navigate to Lists > Web Site > Categories > New.

Actual Results: The Display in Web Site checkbox is now available.

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