Sunday, November 11, 2018

UK: Tax Code to Use for Transactions to Show in EU Sales List but not in Boxes 8 and 9 of VAT 100 Report

1. Create new tax code:

  • Setup > Accounting > Tax Codes > New
  • Enter a tax code name
  • Applies to Service Item = True
  • EC Code = True
  • NonTaxable = True

2. To test this, create a sales transaction (ie: Invoice or Cash Sales)

  • Select a customer with address in EU country
  • Select a service item
  • Select the tax code from no 1
  • Save

3. Generate the VAT100 Report

  • Reports > VAT > UK VAT 100
  • Select the Tax Period and Refresh
  • See Box 8
  • The invoice/cash cash amount will not show here

4. Generate EU Sales List

  • Reports > VAT > EU Sales List Report
  • Country From = select the country
  • Reporting Period From = select the period
  • Refresh
  • The entity will show in this report

Note: For purchase side in Box 9, follow the same steps above but for purchases.

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