Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Tabs are Missing on the New Shipping Item Page

When trying to create a new shipping item in Lists > Accounting > Shipping Items > New, there are for shipping and handling rate rules. The only available fields for setup are the following:

·         Ship Name

·         Display Name/Code

·         Description

·         Inactive

·         Shipping Label Integration

To display the shipping item tabs, set the following in Setup > Accounting > Shipping:

1. Enable Charge for Shipping only to add the following tabs to your New Shipping Item page: Shipping Rate, Shipping Rules, Free Shipping Items.

2. Enable Charge Handling Separate from Shipping only and this will still not display the tabs on the New Shipping Item page.  One cannot charge for handling unless one also checks the Charge for Shipping box.

3. Enable both Charge for Shipping and Charge Handling Separate from Shipping to display the following tabs: Shipping Rate, Handling Rate, Shipping and Handling Rules, Free Shipping Items.  



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