Friday, November 16, 2018

Set Document Status on Estimates


For Stand-alone Estimates (No Opportunity Linked)

  • Upon creation: the Document status will depend on the default customer status(Probability) set for Estimates under Setup > Sales > Sales Preferencesunless the user manually changes the Status and Probability before saving.
a.) If Probability is 0% = Document Status is set to Closed
b.) If Probability is 100% = Document Status is set to Processed
c.) If Probability is between 1 > 99% = Document Status is set to Open

  • However, if Expires field date has passed = Document Status is set to Expired
  • Also, the status on the estimate is not the basis of the Document status instead theProbability field that is respected. Meaning if the customer statusIn Discussion with Probability set to 40%, then user sets the Quote'sStatus to In Discussion but manually change the Probability to 0%, the documentstatus will be Closed since it will follow the Probability field which is setto 0%.
  • If a Sales Order/Cash Sales/Invoice is created or associated to the Estimate,the Document status is automatically set to Processed; even if Probability andStatus on the estimate is edited to less than 100%, the Document status remainsto Processed status.
  • If the Sales Order is deleted or canceled and the estimate is not yet expired, theDocument Status of the estimate is set from Processed to Open.
  • If Sales Order is deleted and estimate is already expired, Document Status of thequote is set from Processed to Expired

For Estimates that are linked to Opportunities:

  • If Expected Close of the Opportunity is a future date:
Opportunity with Status/Probability between 1%-99% > Create Estimate >Document Status of Estimate = Open > Opportunity Status becomes Issued Estimate

  • If the Opportunity linked to the Estimate  is edited and status is changed:

a.) to Closed Won (Probability=100%) = Document Status of Estimate is Processedwhile Document Status of Opportunity is Closed-Won

b.) to Qualified or any Status with Probability between 1%-99% = Document statusof the Estimate is Open while Document Status of Opportunity is In Progress

c.) to Closed Lost (0% Probability) - Document Status of Estimate is Processedwhile Document Status of Opportunity is Closed - Lost

  • However, if Expected Close Date of the Opportunity is a past date (expired) andthe status is changed to Closed Lost the Document Status of the Estimate is setto Open while Document Status of Opportunity is Closed - Lost

Below are the conditions that would result to an Estimate Document Status ofProcessed:

1. When a Sales Order is created from the Quote, as shown in the History tab> Orders & Sales.

2. When an Opportunity from which the Quote iscreated is set to Closed-Won.

3. When the Opportunity from which the Quoteis created is set to Closed-Won or Closed-Lost for Opportunities that hasexpired.

4. When the Quote is set to Probability = 100% with or without an Opportunity attached.


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