Sunday, November 25, 2018

Run Budget vs Actual Report and Budget Income Statement Report after Disabling Multiple Budgets Results to Zero Budget Amounts and No Data Available

Run Budget vs Actual report and Budget Income Statement report after disabling Multiple Budgets results to zero budget amounts and No Data Available, respectively.


* This condition is related to the sticky feature when running reports. If a user runs the Budget vs Actual report or the Budget Income Statement report using a certain budget category other than the Legacy category, this problem is encountered once the Multiple Budgets feature is disabled.


Further investigation shows the following:


1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features > Accounting tab > Advanced Features section > Multiple Budgets = FALSE


2.  Navigate to Transactions > Financial > Setup Budgets > List. New budget data is available.


3. Navigate to Home > Set Preferences > Analytics > Reporting section > Report by Period is set to Financials Only.


To resolve the problem:


1. Navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features > Accounting tab > Advanced Features section > Multiple Budgets, set to True. Click Save.


2. Navigate to Reports > Banking / Budgeting > Budget vs Actual > Set Budget Category to Legacy. Hit Refresh.


Note: Legacy is the Budget Category for budgets created with Multiple Budgets turned off.


3. Navigate to Reports > Banking / Budgeting > Budget Income Statement > Set Budget Category to Legacy. Hit Refresh.


4. Navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Features > Accounting tab > Advanced Features section > Multiple Budgets, set to False. Click Save.


Run the Budget vs Actual Report and the Budget Income Statement and they now show the budget data.


Note: All users of the report must do steps 2 and 3 before step 4 is finally done by the Administrator.

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