Sunday, November 25, 2018

Not all bank accounts show up in the Account dropdown of the accept payment or new cash sale screen

1. Setup > Company > Enable Features > Company tab > International > Multiple Currencies = T
2. Customer sometimes want to accept payment and book it under a specific bank account but not
all of their bank accounts are showing in the Account dropdown.

The bank accounts being displayed in the Account dropdown depends on the currency selected on the accept payment or the new cash sale page.

Current behavior is that the Account dropdown shows the bank accounts setup with the base currency and the currency selected on the transaction. For example:

Base Currency = USD
Currency Selected in the accept payment or new cash sale page = USD
Account Dropdown = only shows USD bank accounts

Base Currency = USD
Currency Selected in the accept payment or new cash sale page = Malaysian Ringgit
Account Dropdown = all USD and Malaysian Ringgit bank accounts

Base Currency = USD
Currency Selected in the accept payment or new cash sale page = Australian Dollar
Account Dropdown = all USD and Australian Dollar bank accounts

- Regardless if "Multi-Currency Customers" feature is enabled or not, currency set on the new accept payment or new cash sale page determines the bank accounts available. Currency selected also filters the invoices, credits, and deposits in the Apply tab of the accept payment screen.
- This is related to Enhancement: 112956 Accept customer payment> Add ability to accept payment in different currency from the invoice/ bill currency and account for exchange rate gain or loss.


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