Friday, November 23, 2018

Mass Update to join the first character of the first field and the first two characters of the second field

Scenario: User has three custom Free-Form Text body fields on the Sales Order.

The first field holds the First Name and the second field contains the Last Name. The third field should to contain the first character of the first field and the first two characters of the second field. However, the field is currently blank.

All three fields has Store Value = T. Without changing the field settings, user wants to Mass Update the field on all Sales Transactions (the expected result will be similar to the following example):

Name of field ID Value

field 1 custbody 1 john
field 2 custbody 2 doe
field 3 custbody 3 jdo

To resolve this, perform the following steps:

1. As Administrator navigate to List > Mass Update > Mass Update > General Updates > Customer.
2. Set Criteria.
3. Under the Mass Update Fields tab, select the custom Free Form Text / Text Area field to be updated.
4. On the Formula field enter: CONCAT(SUBSTR({field1},0,1),SUBSTR({field2},0,2))
5. Click Preview.
6. Click Perform Update.  

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