Saturday, November 24, 2018

Item Receipt WorkFlow to Hide the Exchange Rate and Currency Fields

Item Receipt WorkFlow to hide the Exchange Rate and Currency fields to prevent changes to the values.

Steps to create the Workflow
    Navigate top Customization > Workflow > Workflow > New
    Name: Item Receipt Hide Fields
    Record Type: Transaction
    Sub Types: Item Receipt
    Execute as Admin: Checked
    Release Status: Released 

    Event Based: Selected
    On Create: Checked
    On Update: Checked
    Trigger Type: Before Record Load
    Hit Save 

    Click State 1 and Edit.
    Name: Hide Fields
    Hit Save
    On the Hide Fields State 
    Add a New Action > Set Display Type 
    Trigger On: Before Record Load 
    Field: Exchange Rate 
    Display Type: Hidden 

    Add a New Action > Set Display Type 
    Trigger On: Before Record Load 
    Field: Currency 
    Display Type: Hidden 

Navigate to Transactions > Purchases/Vendors > Receive Order > List. When you access an item receipt on edit or create, the two fields will not be visible.

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