Friday, November 23, 2018

Invoke an HTTP GET method using Php with RESTlet


This is a guide on how to use an HTTP GET method using PHP with RESTlet to retrieve a customer record. The request data is included as one of the parameters of the file_get_contents function and the "application/xml" is not a supported content type.

RESTlet Code


function getRecord(request){

      return nlapiLoadRecord(request.recordtype,;




Sample PHP code



//Host is the external URL found in the RESTlet deployment page

$host ="";

$context = makeContext();


$response = file_get_contents($host . "&recordtype=customer&id=163", false, $context);


if (!$response)

      echo "Error: cannot read file response."; 


      echo $response;


/** Returns a stream context with the Authorization Header set */

function makeContext(){   

      $options = array(


                  'header'=> makeHeaderString(),





    return stream_context_create($options);




function makeHeaderString(){

      $account    = "TSTDRV123456";

      $email      = "";

      $pass       = "mypassword";

      $role_id    = "3";     

      $content_type = "application/json"; //other possible value: "text/plain"


      return      "Authorization: NLAuth nlauth_account=". $account . ", " .

                        "nlauth_email=" . $email . ", " .

                        "nlauth_signature=" . $pass . ", " .

                        "nlauth_role=" . $role_id . "\r\n".

                  "Host: \r\n" .

                  "Content-Type:" . $content_type;   





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