Friday, October 5, 2018

Update Employee Bank Account for Payroll

To change or update the employee bank account number, inactivate the old bank account and add the new information. To update the employee bank account number in NetSuite:

1.      Navigate to Lists > Employees > Employees

2.      Click Edit next to the employee name

3.      Navigate to ACH/Direct Deposit tab

4.      Click the Inactive box next to the old bank

5.      Click Done

6.      Add the new employee bank account information 

7.      Click Add

8.      Click Save

9.      Commit the updates by following the steps below:

  • Navigate to Setup > Payroll > Update Payroll Information
  • Tick the Agree box

  • Hit the Commit Updates button


 For Premier Payroll users, the new bank account will undergo 1 day prenoting process with considerations to the daily cut-off of 2:00pm Pacific.  To check if employee bank is activated, follow the steps below  a day after the set-up:

  • Repeat step 9 above
  • Navigate to To Resolve Tab

  • There should be no warning or error message.  If warning message Employee bank account is not active appears, it means the account is still undergoing the prenoting process.  Repeat step 9 up to 5 days.  If problem persists, please contact NetSuite Customer Support.


1. NetSuite recommends inactivating the old bank account. Deleting/Overriding the old bank account can cause errors. NetSuite displays error message An amount is required for non-net accounts if new Net Account bank information is entered before inactivating the old number.

2. If the change or update in the employee bank account is the type of account e.g. Savings instead of Checking or vice versa and the Routing Number and Account Number are the same, it is important to set the first account to Inactive before adding the new information. Otherwise, a message: You cannot submit this form because there are blocking issues. Please go to the To Resolve tab for details will appear on the Update Payroll Information screen. On the To Resolve tab the error message: Bank account XXXXXXXX is used in more than one direct deposit rule will show and customer will not be able to complete the payroll update.

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