Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Steps to Display the Address Book on the Contact Pop-up Form

When users edit a custom contact form, the Address Book checkbox appears to not have an option for user modifications.

1. Navigate to Customization > FormsEntry Forms > edit affected
Custom Contact Form
2. Navigate to Lists tab > Address subtab > Address Book checkbox is grayed-out and is unmarked.

In order to resolve this, re-create the contact form by customizing the Standard Contact form.

1. Navigate to Customization > FormsEntry Forms > Customize the
 Standard Contact Form.
2. Mark the Use for Pop-up and Popup Only checkboxes if the form will be used for pop-ups.

The Address Book list/field not set to Show by default in the 
Standard Pop-Up Contact form.

Customizing the Standard Contact Form will make the Address Book list/field show even though it will still be grayed-out.

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