Friday, October 19, 2018

Start of Previous week to today date range on saved search using a formula

1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.
2. Click Case.
3. Click Criteria tab.
4. Click Standard sub tab.
5. Select Formula (Numeric) under the Filter column.
6. Enter the formula below on the Formula field:
   CASE WHEN {createddate} BETWEEN {today}-(to_number(to_char({today}, 'D'))+7) AND {today} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
7. Set the Formula (Numeric) to equal to.
8. Set Value to 1.
9. Click Set.
10. Click on the Results tab.
11. Click Columns sub tab.
12. Click on Field column to add Date Created.
13. Preview.
Result: If today = October 14, 2011, the saved search result should show all cases created from October 2, 2011(Sunday of last week) to today.

: This can be a workaround for Issue 202776.

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