Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Sort Behavior on Print Mailing Labels Page Based on a Saved Search

Users can use a saved search in the mailing label queue and generate labels for all of them at once. Users can print mailing labels for customers, vendors, partners, employees, or contacts without using mail merge or data export.

A. Create a saved search
1. Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New
2. Select Customer, Vendor, Partner, Employee, or Contact link.
3. Results tab > Sort By = Name
4. Set desired sorting to either Descending or Ascending.
   a. Descending = if the Descending box is marked.
   b. Ascending = if the Descending box is unmarked.

Note: By the current system design, users can only sort saved searches to be used to print mailing labels according to Name. Sorting the mailing label based on internal ID, Class, or Location, etc,  is not yet possible.

B. Print the Mailing Label
1. Transactions > Management > Print Checks & Forms > Mailing Label
2. In the Type field, choose the kind of entity to print labels for (customers, vendors, partners, employees, or contacts.)
3. Saved Search field = select the saved search created in Step A.
4. The mailing labels are now sorted according to the saved search result.

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