Thursday, October 25, 2018

Show Number of Months on a Warranty

User needs to find out the current count of warranty months a customer customer is eligible. Please find solution below:

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Entity Fields > New.
2. In the Type field, select Date. This is the start date of the warranty.
3. Set the following:
  • Applies to: Customer = T
  • Display:Subtab = Main
  • Store Value=T
  • ID=custentity_warranty

4. Save as warranty start
5. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Entity Fields > New.
6. In the Type field, select Free Form Text.
7. Set the following:

  • Applies to: Customer = T
  • Display:Subtab = Main
  • Validation & Defaulting:Default value = to_char({today},'MM') - to_char({custentity_warranty}, 'MM')
  • Store Value=F

8. Save as warranty month.

Note : The warranty month field will display the number of months from warranty date until today's month.

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