Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Search that exclude customers with Total Transaction Amount Remaining that exceeds Credit Limit set on the record

To create a customer search that will exclude customers that exceeds their credit limit, perform the following steps:

 1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.
 2. Select Customer.
 3. Provide a Title.
 4. In the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, add the following filters:
  Stage is Customer
  Transaction : Amount Remaining is greater than 0.00
 5. In the Criteria tab > Summary subtab, add:
  Summary Type: Maximum
  Field: Formula (Numeric)
  Description: is 0
  Formula: Case WHEN (max{creditlimit} = sum({transaction.amountremaining})) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
 6. In the Results tab > Columns subtab, use the following Fields and Summary Type:


Summary Type


Name Group  
Credit Limit Maximum  
Transaction : Amount Remaining Sum  
Formula (Numeric) Maximum Case WHEN (max{creditlimit} = sum({transaction.amountremaining})) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

 7. Click Save & Run.

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