Saved Search to see the number of units removed from a Lot/Serial number with every fulfillment on the Sales Order.
A. Create a saved search to show Item, Lot/Serial number and quantity used for fulfillment.
1. Navigate to Transactions > Management > Saved Searches > New > Transaction.
2. Go to Criteria Tab > Standard subtab, select the following:
a. Type = Item Fulfillment
b. Item Fields: Type = Inventory Item
c. Transaction Serial/Lot Number = is not empty
d. Main Line = False
3. Under the Results Tab>Columns subtab, set the following:
a. Number
b. Item
c. Location (if multi-location is being used)
d. Transaction Serial/Lot Number
e. Transaction Serial/Lot Number Quantity
4. Under the Available Filters Tab, select "Created From".
5. Save.
B. Attach the Saved Search created to the Sales Order via a Sublist.
1. Navigate to Setup > Customization > Sublists.
2. Under the Transactions Tab, select the Saved Search created.
3. Set a Label for the Sublist being created.
4. Select the Tab you want top show this sublist in (for example "Related Records").
5. Mark the Sale checkbox to make it available on Sales Orders.
6. Save.
A new subtab will appear on the Sales Order showing information about the fulfillment made with respect to lot numbered/serialized items.
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