Saturday, October 6, 2018

Restrict a Role's permission via Script to be able to Edit a Record but not Create a new one


On the Help Guide, these are the Permission Levels that could be set on a Role for a record:
 CREATE - User can create new and view existing files.
 EDIT - User has access to create new, view existing, and edit existing files. The user cannot delete existing files.
 FULL - User has access to create new files and view, edit, and delete existing files.

Thus, having the EDIT only mode is still an Enhancement and this is filed under Issue# 88524 - "Roles/Permissions > Please add an Edit Only permission so that users can edit records but not add new ones."

This can be done via script by restricting a User's action on beforeLoad function of a User Event script.

Here is a code snippet sample for restricting a Role on creating a new record:

// Get the User's role
var ACCESS_ROLE = nlapiGetRole();

//This example restricts all non-Administrator roles in being able to create a new record.

function TestBeforeLoad(type){

   if (ACCESS_ROLE != 3 && type == 'create') {
   throw nlapiCreateError('Action not allowed', 'Your role is not permitted to Add this type of Record. <br><br> Please click <a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">here</a> to go back.');

   // This throws an Error for the user that Creating a new record is not allowed. User can click on the message to go back to the previous page. 



**Note that on this example, the Role's permission on the record is set to 'EDIT'.

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