Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Permision that would make the posting period field to be available on the Month End Currency Revaluation page

User has a custom role with the permission given below:
Currency Revaluation with Level= Edit.

1. Navigate to Transactions > Financial > Revalue Open Currency Balances.

• Posting Period field is not available on the Month End Currency Revaluation page.

• Posting Period field should be available.

This standard field on the Month End Currency Revaluation page is being controlled by a permission name: Posting Period on Transactions. To resolve this, do the following steps below:

1. Login using the Account Administrator.
2. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
3. Edit the custom role (e.g. Custom CFO)
4. On the Permissions Tab, click on the Transactions subtab and add the permission name below with Level= Edit.
Posting Period on Transactions.

5. Click Done.
6. Click Save.


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