Thursday, October 18, 2018

Option to choose Packing Slip form does not appear in the New Item Fulfillment page

User does not have the option to choose Custom Packing Slip form when printing Packing Slip from Item Fulfillment page.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Navigate to Transactions > Sales > Fulfill Orders > List.
2. Click View any Item Fulfillment.
3. Click Print.

Actual Results:
1. The preferred custom Packing Slip form is being used when printing Packing Slip.

Expected Results:
1. User would like to have the option to choose a different Packing Slip form.

To resolve the problem, perform the following steps:

User needs to print Packing Slip from Transactions > Management > Print Checks & Forms > Packing Slips and Return Forms.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Navigate to Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms.
2. Click on Packing Slips and Return Forms.
3. Check the Allow Reprinting box if the Sales Order is not listed.
4. In the Packing Slip Form, select the custom Packing Slip form.
5. Click Print.

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