Sunday, October 28, 2018

Maximum Limit of Redirects Import

Redirects allow your existing links to be redirected to the new links for your Netsuite Webstore.  This allows your users the ability to seamlessly go into the new site without changing the URL that they have bookmarked.

This also ensures that old links that potential buyers will see will have routed to the new pages generated by the Netsuite Website.


Since the 2012.1 version of NetSuite, the feature of having the ability to import redirects has been implemented.


Although you can import the records, there is still a Maximum number of records that I can process.


A single CSV import of redirects can hold up to 100,000 records.


If you have more than 100,000 redirects you can create a second CSV  file for upload once the first batch is done.



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