An item may be associated to other records (Kits/Assemblies or Customer records). Here is a list of things to check to ensure that the item is no longer associated to any other records.
1. It does not have any transaction associated to it via Transaction History Sub Tab. Navigate to the Item Record > History Tab > Transactions subtab to check.
2. The item/s is not a Parent item of another item and this can be checked by doing the following:
a. Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Items, the sub items are appearing under the Parent Item name (hierarchy), or
b. Run an Item Search with the following criteria: Parent Fields: Filter Type=Name: Is=Item name to be deleted.
3. The Item is not a sub item of another item by verifying the Subitem of field on the Item Record.
4. The item is not currently used/entered on an Item Pricing Group or Group Pricing on the Customer Record > Financial Tab > Group Pricing Sub Tab and Item Pricing Sub tab. This can be quickly checked by creating a Customer Search:
a. Navigate to Transactions > Management > Saved Searches > New > Customer.
b. Go to Results tab and under Columns subtab, add the following fields:
1. Item Pricing Level
2. Group Pricing Level
c. Click Save.
d. Click the Item Pricing Level header column to sort (do the same with Group Pricing Level header). If there is an information showing under any column then this only means that the item is associated to the customer and removing the item from that customer in order to successfully delete the item record is needed.
5. On the Item Record there is no Preferred Vendor associated to the Item.
6. Item is not a member of a Kit or Assembly. A saved search can be used to check on this.
a. Navigate to Transactions > Management > Saved Searches > New > Item.
b. Go to Criteria tab and under Standard subtab, set and add the following fields:
1. Type = Assembly/Bill of Materials, Kit/Package, Item group.
2. Member Item Fields: Name = is (set the name of the item)
c. Go to Results tab and under Columns subtab, add the following:Save.
1. Type
2. Name
3. Member Item
d. Click Save.
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