In the customer's dashboard, the Custom pipeline Trend graph cannot be filtered by Sales rep because it is dependent on a Standard report: Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Report.
The trend graph came from a standard KPI, and the standard report (Total Pipeline by Sales Rep) cannot be customized for it to be filtered per sales rep.
Since Reports cannot be customizable and be used in KPI, translate it via Saved search.
Below are the Steps:
I. Know from which report the Total Pipeline (projected) is based/getting the values.
1. Home > Dashboard > Indicator = Total Pipeline (Projected)
Period = End of this Month vs End of same month last year
2. Click the Current value to drill down to the report.
Locate where the Current amount is getting the value
At the Total column, you will see that it is under the Projected Total column, along the row Total
3. At the top of the page, right side of the report title Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary report, click "View Detail"
You will be directed to the Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Detail report
II. Create a Saved search based from the definition of Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Detail report.
1. Reports> Saved searches > All saved searches > New > Transactions
2. Go to Criteria tab > Use expressions = True > Add the following:
Type = is any of Estimate, Opportunity......AND
( Probability = is not 100..........................OR
Probability = is not empty..........................OR
Probability = is not 0)..........................AND
(((Formula (Text) = is True.. Formula = CASE WHEN {type} = 'Estimate' THEN {includeinforecast} ELSE NULL END ....) AND
( Formula (Text) = is Open..... Formula = CASE WHEN {type} = 'Estimate' THEN {status} ELSE NULL END ......OR
Formula (Text) = is Expired..... Formula = CASE WHEN {type} = 'Estimate' THEN {status} ELSE NULL END)) ......OR
(Formula (Text) = is not issued Estimate..... Formula = CASE WHEN {type} = '
Formula (Text) = is In Progress..... Formula = CASE WHEN {type} = '
3. Go to Results tab > Add the following:
- Sales rep…. Summary Type= Group
- Type
- Number
- Formula (Currency)… Sum….Formula = (CASE find WHEN 'Estimate' THEN {amount} WHEN '
4. Go to Available Filters tab > Filter = Expected Close date
5. Enter the search Title
6. Click Save & Run
III. Use the Custom saved search for the custom KPI
1. Home > Dashboard > find the Key Performance Indicators portlet.
2. Click Setup (arrow down > setup).
- You will be directed to "Set Up Key Performance Indicators" page.
3. Go to Key Performance Indicators tab.
4. Click Add Custom KPIs.
5. Type the name in the Search box or manually find it in the dropdown list.
6. Once you find it, click the -> arrow at the left side of it to add in the Current Selections box at the right side.
7. Click Done
8. On the Range, select the desired Period
- check the Compare box
- Select value in the Compare range dropdown list
* The Range and Compare Range will become your Previous and Current periods.
9. Click Save
IV. Add the Custom KPI in the Trend graph
1. Go to Home > Dashboard
2. Click Personalize Dashboard
3. At the left side of the screen, under Add Content, click the + for Trend Graphs
4. Click the "Custom KPI # 3" or any custom KPI #
5. Go to the trend graph (if you cannot find it, try choosing one Trend graph)
- click Setup
- A pop up screen will display
6. Populate the fields in the pop up screen
- Custom Trend Graph = * select the name of the Custom saved search
- Trend graph: Trend type = Monthly
- Trend graph: Show average = True/ checked
- Trend Graph: Average window = 2
- Trend Graph: Show Las Data Point = True/ checked
- Trend Graph: Include Zero on Y-axis = False/ unchecked
- Save
** Notes/ Limitations:
1. Per Sales rep, you can filter the Total Pipeline (projected) via custom saved search but there is a discrepancy in the available "Periods" in the KPI.
For example: For the KPI "Total Pipeline (Projected)", the Periods being compared are "End of This Month vs End of Same Month Last Year".
If you will use the Custom KPI from the saved search, you cannot find "End of this Month" and "End of same month last year" in list of available Periods.
2. If filtered based on Sales rep, you will get the same data from Total Pipeline (Projected) with that in the custom saved search/ KPI.
However, as mentioned in note #1, there are Periods which are not available. It depends on the nature of the report/ saved search or the underlying data inside those reports.
In this regard, it is suggested that you choose an alternative Period that will display a similar data, which is available in the drop down list for both the Total Pipeline (projected) and Custom KPI.
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