Thursday, October 25, 2018

Create Saved Search With Count Of the Number of Phone Calls per Day in Week

To create a saved search which would show you the count of Phone Calls which were created for each day of the week, follow the steps provided below:

1. Navigate to List > Search > Saved Searches > New.
2. Select Phone Call.
3. On the Criteria subtab, you may add your date range and assigned to filters if desired.
4. On the Results tab add the following:

The column format are as following:
Field | Summary Type | Formula | Summary Label

Formula (Numeric) | Sum | DECODE (to_char({createddate}, 'D'), '1' , 1) | Sunday
Formula (Numeric) | Sum | DECODE (to_char({createddate}, 'D'), '2' , 1) | Monday
Formula (Numeric) | Sum | DECODE (to_char({createddate}, 'D'), '3' , 1) | Tuesday
Formula (Numeric) | Sum | DECODE (to_char({createddate}, 'D'), '4' , 1) | Wednesday
Formula (Numeric) | Sum | DECODE (to_char({createddate}, 'D'), '5' , 1) | Thursday
Formula (Numeric) | Sum | DECODE (to_char({createddate}, 'D'), '6' , 1) | Friday
Formula (Numeric) | Sum | DECODE (to_char({createddate}, 'D'), '7' , 1) | Saturday

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