Thursday, October 18, 2018

Create a Saved Search that counts the number of Activities per type by columns

To create a Saved Search which would count the number of Activities per Type by column, follow the steps below:

1. Create a new Saved Activity Search, navigate to List > Search > Saved Searches > New > Activity.

2. Navigate to the Results Tab.
3. Add the following column fields:

• Assigned To | Group
• Formula (Numeric) | Sum | Formula: DECODE({type},'Task', 1, 0)
• Formula (Numeric) | Sum | Formula: DECODE({type},'Event', 1, 0)
• Formula (Numeric) | Sum | Formula: DECODE({type},'Phone Call', 1, 0)

Note: User may add own preferred Summary Label after adding the column fields, user may replace the column Assigned to to Contact or Company if user wants the search to count per Company/Contact and not by Assigned to.

4. Click Save&Run. 

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