Sunday, October 14, 2018

Create a custom field that will display multiple fields in vertical order

Create a custom field that will display multiple fields in this order:

fieldid1 = 240 SW 1st Ave.,
fieldid2 = Portland, Oregon 97204
fieldid3 = United States

Instead of: 240 SW 1st Ave., Portland, Oregon, 97204, United States

Solution 1:

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsCustom field (e.g. Custom entity field) > New

2. Enter a Label for the custom field.

3. In the Type field select Text Area.

4. Make sure that the Store Value is unmarked.

5. Applies To tab > Mark the record where you want to display the field (e.g. Customer)

6. Click the Validation & Defaulting tab.

  • Default Value enter the following formula: {fieldid1}||CHR(10)||{fieldid2}||CHR(10)||{fieldid3}
  • Mark the Formula checkbox.

8. Click Save & Apply to Forms.

Solution 2:

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsCustom Field (e.g. Custom entity field) > New

2. Enter a Label for the custom field.

3. In the Type field select Inline HTML.

4. Make sure that the Store Value is unmarked.

5. Applies To tab > Mark the record where you want to display the field (e.g. Customer)

6. Click the Validation & Defaulting tab > in the Default Value field enter the following:

7. Unmark the Formula checkbox.

8. Click Save & Apply to Forms.

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