Saturday, October 20, 2018

Count the Number of Case per Support Rep on Each Case Status


1. Navigate to List > Search > Saved Searches > New.

2. Select Case.

3. Provide a Search Title.

4. In the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, add the following filters:

  • Inactive = No
  • Date Created = Ex. this year

5.  On the Results tab > Columns subtab, add the following fields and its summary type.

  • Assigned To  |  Summary Type = Group
  • Formula (Numeric) | Summary Type = Sum | Formula = case when {status}='In Progress' then 1 else 0 end | Summary Label = In Progress
  • Formula (Numeric) | Summary Type = Sum | Formula = case when {status}='Re-Opened' then 1 else 0 end | Summary Label = Re-Opened
  • Formula (Numeric) | Summary Type = Sum | Formula = case when {status}='Closed' then 1 else 0 end | Summary Label = Closed

Note: User can add more Formula Numeric fields on Results tab depending on the Case Statuses available.

6. Hit Save & Run button.


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