Thursday, October 18, 2018

Calculated Shipping Cost for a Kit/Package is different when the member item is ordered for the same quantity as an individual inventory item record

Shipping Costs Calculations for Shipping Item = UPS Ground
Real time rates = True = UPS Ground

A. For Item ABC x Qty of 6
Shipping cost calculation (Inventory Item ) = $22.21

B. For KIT Item x Qty of 1
Member Items= Item ABC with Qty of 6
Shipping cost calculation (Inventory Item ) = $12.53

Given that Shipping address is the same, the shipping costs must be the same for both orders.

Check if there is a default Package set on the Setup Shipping page. The default package may have a quantity set under maximum items thus resulting to individual items having more than one package as opposed to the kit item which is counted as one item thus setting the default package needed to just one.

1. Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Shipping.
2. Go to the Packages tab and check if a package is marked as default.
3. Unmark the package marked as Default.
4. Hit Submit.

Note: The Package tab will only be available if the Shipping Label Integration feature is enabled (Setup > Company > Enable Features > Transactions Tab > Shipping Label Integration = True)  

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