Friday, October 26, 2018

Amount appearing on the 1099-MISC Payments column does not match with the Preview mode of Form 1099-MISC

If the amount appearing on the 1099-MISC Payments column is not matching with the Preview mode of Form 1099-MISC, please follow the steps below (Reports > Sales Tax US > Form 1099-MISC versus Reports > Sales Tax US > Form 1099-MISC > Preview):



1.   Check if the Expense Account associated to the payments made to vendors have a 1099-MISC Category specified in the Account record (For complete steps, kindly see SuiteAnswers ID 8067: FAQ: Accounting & ERP : To associate an Expense Account to a 1099-Misc Category).

2.   For Inventory items, check the Asset and COGS Account of the Inventory Item (please refer to SuiteAnswers ID 14774 : 1099 payments with Inventory items are not included under 1099-MISC payments).

3.   Check if Edited column shows Yes. Amounts on the form 1099-MISC can be edited manually and the system will store this data if it has been saved. To restore data, please follow steps in number 4 below.

4.   If all settings are correct and the amounts are still not matching, perform the following steps:

a. Reports > Sales Tax US > Form 1099-MISC

b. Click the Preview link next to the vendor with discrepancy

c. Click the Reset button

d. Click OK on the popup window If you click reset after editing a 1099Misc, your edits will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?

e. Click Save

f.  Click OK


Note: If user edited any 1099-MISC on Preview mode, the amount retains the edited amount even if changes are made to the bill payment or check. User must click Reset to refresh the data or overwrite the old data.



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