Monday, September 17, 2018

Transaction Search for Opportunity Filtered on ‘Mainline=F’ and ‘System Notes: New Value = Contains Closed’ giving Duplicate Results for each Line

Use Case Scenario:


1. Create a Transaction search with following:

----Under Filters

-------Main Line = False

-------Type = Opportunity

-------System Notes: New Value = Contains = Closed

----Under Results

-------Expose preferred fields

-------Make sure each field is grouped or summed (depending on type)


Note: Cannot use an Opportunity search for this as we do not expose Main Line = False on that search and user needs to see line level info


2. When they run the search the fields that were summed are being duplicated.


3. If they drill down on the results of the sum they will see two same lines exposed for one line of the transaction and this explains why the sum is doubled. 


1. The reason why they are seeing double results is because of the System Notes filter. 

---Basically there are two System Notes for New Value that contain Closed 

---One is linked to the field Status (Closed – Won) and the other to the field Document Status (Closed)

2. This was found by:

---Exposing the System Notes: New Value and System Notes: Field in search results

---The results now showed the values in these fields as:

---------System Notes: Field = Status, System Notes: New Value = Closed Won

---------System Notes: Field = Document Status, System Notes: New Value = Closed


3. Since the user wanted to filter off of the status field the solution was to change the filter to be:

---System Notes: New Value contains Closed Won (or Closed - Won)

---or System Notes: New Value has keywords Closed Won

---or System Notes: New Value starts with Closed Won


4. At this point they can group and sum their results and all will be fine as only one result will be found and therefore will not duplicate sums

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