Monday, September 10, 2018

Some transactions in the Bank Register are not showing in the Bank Reconciliation Page

Problem/Business Requirement/UniqueQuestion:


There are transactions in the BankRegister that are not showing in the Bank Reconciliation Page.


Symptoms/Details of BusinessRequirements/Any Additional Information:


  • Transactions > Bank > Reconcile Bank Statement > There are transactions in the Bank Register that are not showing in the Bank      Reconciliation page.
  • Common reasons:

    1. Thetransaction was already reconciled.

    2. Reconciliationfor the transaction was put on "Hold".

    3. Date of theTransaction is prior to the Start Date.


Solution/Workaround/Gotcha/Recommendation Details:


1.    Verify if the transaction is reconciled:

-Ask the customer to go to the register: Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Accounts>Click on the Bank Register

- Locate the Transaction.

- Ask the customer if there is a checkmark in the Clr columnand a date in the Reconciled Date column.

(If Clr column has a check mark and the ReconciledDate column has a date this means that this transaction isalready reconciled.  The Date on the Reconciled Date columnis the Statement Date used in the reconciliation.)

-Inform the customer that the transaction is already reconciled that'swhy it is not showing in the Bank Reconciliation page.

- If the customer would like to unreconcile thetransaction, ask the customer to do the following in the check registerpage (Do not forget to inform the customer of the implication):

           a. Removethe check mark on the Clr column

           b. Clickthe Refresh button


2.    Verify if the transaction is associated with aheld Bank Reconciliation:

-         Ask the customerto go to the Register: Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Accounts >Click on the Bank Register.

-         Locate theTransaction

-         Ask the customerif there is a date in the Reconciled Date column but there isno check mark on the Clr column.

(If the Clr column does not have check mark butthe Reconciled Date column has a date, this means that theReconciliation for this transaction was put on hold.  The date onthe Reconciled Date column is the Statement Date used when thereconciliation was held)

-         To remove thistransaction from the Held Bank Reconciliation; you can ask the customer to dothe following in the check register page (Do not forget to inform the customerof the implication):

a.    Clickthe date in the Reconciled Date column.

b.    Click the Refresh button.

c.     Unmark all checkedtransactions.     

d.    Click theSave button.


3.    Verify if the Date of theTransaction is prior to the Start Date.

-         Ask the customerfor the following information: Date of the transaction and Start Date used inthe Bank Reconciliation page.

-         If the customerwould like to see unreconciled transaction, you can ask them to enter anearlier date on the Start Date field.

-         Ifthe customer would like to see all unreconciled transaction, you can ask themto remove the Date on the Start Date field.


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