Monday, September 10, 2018

Redirect Behavior for Add to Cart HTML WSDK Script

For WSDK enabled webstores when setting up the Add Item To Cart HTML, the documentation on the WSDK Item Scripts Page states that the user can specify 'redirect' and 'continue' URLs using hidden fields in the Add Item To Cart HTML found at Setup > Site Builder > Preview Website > HTML and URLs for querying items > Item Script Page.

At the Set up > Site Builder > Set up Web Site > Shopping tab, the preferences for the "After shoppers add an item to the cart" field dictates the redirection used.

 If it is set to "Stay on the same page",  it will activate the redirect hidden field and use the redirect URL.
On the other hand, if the user chooses "Show the shopping cart", it will activate the continue hidden field and change the URL of the Continue Shopping button.


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