Friday, September 14, 2018

Notification for Incoming Emails

To be notified if a Customer replies to an Email sent from the Customer or Transaction record, perform the following steps:

     1. Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.     
     2. Select Customer.     
     3. Provide a Search Title.
     4. In the Criteria tab > Standard subtab, set the following:

  • Messages Fields... : Recipient Email is (whatever email domain the customer uses, e.g. contains
  • Messages fields...: Date (optional filter to limit number of emails in search results)

     5. In the Results tab > Columns subtab, add the following:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Messages : Date
  • Messages : Subject
  • Messages : Message
  • Messages : Author

     6. In the Email tab, set the following:

  • Check Send Emails According to Schedule
  • Check Summarize Scheduled Emails
  • Check Send if No Results 

     7. In the Email tab > Specific Recipient subtab, add group record to list.
     8. In the Email tab > Schedule subtab, check Daily Event and Repeat Every Weekday.    
     9. In the Series Start Date select Today.     
     10 Check No End Date.

Note: Enhancement 127029 has been filed for the ability to set up email alert when customers reply to an email sent to them through the Customer record.


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