Monday, September 10, 2018

Members of a Group Do Not Show when Performing Fax or Email Bulk Merge

After making sure that all missing members of the group are active entities in NetSuite, make sure to also check their Global Subscription Status. The record needs to have a Global Subscription Status of Soft Opt-In or Confirmed Opt-In when performing a fax or email merge. Records that are set to Opt-Out are automatically removed by NetSuite when performing bulk merges (fax and email).

Note: If the Global Subscription Status field is not visible in the record, check the following:

  • Marketing Automation Feature is Enabled (Setup> Company> Enable Feature> CRM tab)
  • Global Subscription Status field is not hidden in the form

To check for Global Subscription Status field on the record, perform the following steps:

     1. Navigate to Lists > Relationships > Groups.
     2. View the Group.
     3. Check the Global Subscription Status column. Record must be set to Soft Opt-In or Confirmed Opt-In.
     Note: If Global Subscription Status column is not available, navigate to Setup > Company > Enable Feature > CRM tab > Basic Features section. Make sure that Marketing Automation is checked.
     4. Perform a Mass Update to update the Global Subscription Status of the records to Soft Opt-In.

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