When accessing a transaction record in NetSuite, you will be directed to a URL that
shows the transaction you are accessing. Accessing a Sales Order record will direct
the user to the following URL:
https://system.na1.netsuite.com/app/accounting/transactions/salesord.nl?id= As an example, for Sales Orders, the URL value would be salesord.
Here is the list for all NetSuite transactions:
https://system.na1.netsuite.com/app/accounting/transactions/salesord.nl?id= As an example, for Sales Orders, the URL value would be salesord.
Here is the list for all NetSuite transactions:
Transaction Type | URL Value |
Assembly Build | build |
Assembly Unbuild | unbuild |
Bill | vendbill |
Bill Credit | vendcred |
Bill Payment | vendpymt |
Bin Putaway Worksheet | binwksht |
Bin Transfer | bintrnfr |
Cash Refund | cashrfnd |
Cash Sale | cashsale |
Check | check |
Commission | commissn |
Credit Card | cardchrg |
Credit Memo | custcred |
Currency Revaluation | fxreval |
Customer Deposit | custdep |
Customer Refund | custrfnd |
Deposit | deposit |
Deposit Application | depappl |
Estimate | estimate |
Expense Report | exprept |
Inventory Adjusment | invadjst |
Inventory Cost Revaluation | invreval |
Inventory Distribution | invdistr |
Inventory Transfer | invtrnfr |
Inventory Worksheet | invwksht |
Invoice | custinvc |
Item Fulfillment | itemship |
Item Receipt | itemrcpt |
Journal | journal |
Opportunity | opprtnty |
Paycheck | paycheck |
Payment | custpymt |
Payroll Liability Check | liabpymt |
Payroll Adjustment | ytdadjst |
Purchase Order | purchord |
Return Authorization | rtnauth |
Revenue Commitment | revcomm |
Revenue Commitment Reversal | revcomrv |
Sales Order | salesord |
Sales Tax Payment | taxpymt |
Statement Charge | custchrg |
Transfer Order | trnfrord |
Vendor Return Authorization | vendauth |
Work Order | workord |
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