Monday, September 17, 2018

Error Received When Creating and Executing Marketing Campaign: Your email campaign event <campaign name> did not deliver any messages successfully

After executing campaign, the following error is received: Your email campaign event Campaign Test Mail 1 did not deliver any messages successfully. Click here to view a copy of the email template.


Possible Solution:

1. Navigate to Lists > Relationships > Groups > view the Group.
 Check the Global Subscription Status column > make sure that all is set to Soft Opt-In or Confirmed Opt-In
If it is set to Soft Opt-Out, then this is the reason why you received the error message.

Note: To correct this, either edit the record manually or use the Mass Update feature (Administrator role or any Custom role that has permission to run the Mass Update) to default any record to Soft Opt-In. Navigate to Setup > Marketing > Marketing Preferences > Unsubscribed to Marketing By Default = F > Save.

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