Sunday, September 9, 2018

Error Message "File Not Found. Please try your download again." is Returned on Full CSV Export


  • The customer is performing a Full CSV Export (Setup > Import/Export > (Export Tasks) > Full CSV Export).
  • The customer chooses to "Download File" and gets the following error: "File not found. Please try your download again."

This problem occurs when CSV Export is done via Internet Explorer. Using Mozilla Firefox internet browser will result in successful export of CSV. 

Additionally, steps below can be performed in Internet Explorer::

     1. Navigate to Tools > Internet Options.

     2. Click on the Security tab.
     3. Click on Trusted Sites.
     4. Click Sites.
     5. Enter https://* in the Add this website to the zone field.
     6. Click Add.
     7. Click Close.
     8. In the Security level for this zone section, click Custom level.
     9. Scroll down to the ActiveX controls and plug-ins section.
     10. Under Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls, select Enable.
     11. Scroll down to the Downloads section.
     12. Under Automatic prompting for file downloads, select Enable.
     13. Click OK.
     14. Click Yes to save changes.
     15. Click OK to close the Internet Options window.
     16. Login to NetSuite and retry the Full CSV Export.

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