Monday, September 17, 2018

Duplicate Detection Criteria Set not followed on Lead Conversion

Problem/Business Requirement/Unique Question:


Duplicate Detection Criteria Set not followed on Lead Conversion


Symptoms/Details of Business Requirements/Any Additional Information:


  Under Setup> Company> Duplicate Detection> Detect Customer Duplicates=T (Fields To Match On= Name/ID and State), as per information on this page, 'Records must have matching information in all of the fields you select in order to be marked as possible duplicates.'. When performing Lead Conversion, the system is flagging Duplicates even if the above criteria are not met.

  Under Setup> Company> Enable Features> CRM> Sales> Lead Conversion=T

• Created two Lead records:

Ø        Type = Individual

Ø        Company Name: The Corrs, State: California (Convert to Prospect after saving).

Ø        Company Name: The Amethyst, State: California. From the Lead record hit Convert.

• On the Convert Lead page, notice that the first entity, 'The Corrs' is flagged as duplicate when the Company Name doesn't match.


Solution/Workaround/Gotcha/Recommendation Details:

* Go to Setup> Sales> Sales Preferences> General> Consider 'Starts With' Matches in Lead Conversion.

- When this preference is enabled, it will flag as duplicate entity record with the same first word.

- If this is unchecked, during lead conversion, list of duplicates will only be based on the criteria they entered in the Detect Customer Duplicates> Fields To Match On.

·   This is documented under Defect 180622: Lead Conversion > Add feature to disable starts-with matching on prospect records.

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