Saturday, September 8, 2018

Display Quantity on Hand of the child items on the Parent Matrix Item record



          1.       Create a saved item search in Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New > Item

2.       Add the following columns on the Result tab.

Inventory Location (if customer uses multiple locations)

Location On Hand

3.       On the Available Filters tab, add the Sub-Item of field.

4.       Click Save button.

5.       Create a custom sublist by going to Setup > Customization > Sublists.

6.       On the Item tab, select the item search you have created. Add a label, set Tab = Matrix and then mark the Item types you want the sublist to appear.

7.       Save.

8.      Go to a parent matrix item record. On the Matrix tab, an additional sub tab would be seen for the sublist created. It would display the matrix child items as well as quantity on hand on different locations for each.

NOTE: An enhancement request has been filed for this ability. Please check Enhancement 140234 (Lists > Accounting > Items > View a Matrix Item > Click on Matrix tab, provide ability to have a separate column under this tab to display the Quantity On Hand for each child).

You could further refine your list by adding filters on the item search. For example, if you set Location On Hand is not empty on the Criteria tab, the sublist would exclude locations where the child items do not have anything on stock. You could also add/remove columns on the sub tab as you would like by editing the Item search.






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