Sunday, September 9, 2018

Display Payment Options Credit Card and Invoice in the Standard Site Builder Checkout Page

The following settings should be made to make both Credit Card and Invoice available for customers on the webstore:  

1. Navigate to Setup Site Builder > Set Up Web Site > Shopping tab.

2. At the Checkout Preferences section, set the Sales Order Type field to Per Customer Basis.

3. Click Save.

4. Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Lists.

5. Select Term in the Type field drop down.

5. Click New or Edit a term.

6. Fill up the necessary information:

  • Terms
  • Days Till Net Due
  • %Discount
  • Days Till Discount Expires
  • Preferred = T

7. Click Save.

Note: What the steps above do is that new webstore customers will be assigned the preferred term which makes the Invoice option appear at the Payment Method page.

For existing customers, assign Terms to them:

1. Navigate to Lists > Relationships > Customers.

2. Edit a Customer Record.

3. Click the Financial tab.

4. Set Terms.

5. Click Save.

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