Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Determine the Deposit Date of a Transaction

1. Check the Date when the Cash Sale Status was changed from Not Deposited to Deposited:

-Navigate to Transactions > Sales > Enter Cash Sales > List

-View the Cash sales > History tab > System notes subtab

-Check the Date Change from Not Deposited to Deposited

*This is the date when the transaction was deposited in Netsuite but it may differ from the "Date" used in the Deposit transaction.


2. Create a Transaction Search to check the deposit date:

-Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New
elect Transaction

-Navigate to Criteria tab > Standard subtab > Add the following filters:

--Select Type > Select any of > Select Deposit > Click Set

--Select Date Created > Select within > Select custom > Type the date from step 1 > Click Set

--Select Main Line > Select No > Click Set

* It is important to set the Main Line to False so that we can see all transactions included in the Deposit.

-Click Preview





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