Friday, September 14, 2018

Combine Values of Two Fields Into One Custom Field

Source multiple location information (address 1, address 2, city information) in one custom transaction body field in Transaction Forms

1. Create a transaction body field under Customization > Lists, Records, & FieldsTransaction Body Fields > New.
2. Set the following:

  • Label = PO/SO Location
  • Applies To = Purchase or Sale
  • Store Value = F
  • Type = Free-Form Text 
3. Under Validation & Defaulting:
  • Formula= T
  • Default Value = {location.address1} ||  '  ' || {location.address2} ||  '  ' || {}
4. Save.

Note: The formula is also applicable if the user wants to source information on any other custom or standard fields in NetSuite. Example: Two custom fields with IDs as "custbody1" and "custbody2".

1. Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields Transaction Body Fields > New.
2. Enter a Label.
3. Set the Type as Free form Text.
Store Value = F
5. Validation & Defaulting tab:

  • Default Value = {custbody1}|| '-' ||{custbody2}
  • Formula = T.
6. Save.

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