Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cash Sales and Invoices not on any Sales Report even if Cash Basis Reporting = F in Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences > General tab and Proper Date Filters are Set

Cash sales and invoices are not showingin any sales report even if Cash Basis Reporting = F in Setup >Accounting > Accounting Preferences > General tab and properdate filters are set.

Transaction dates and posting periodsbelong to the same month. This is happening regardless of Report by Periodpreference set under Home > Set Preferences  >Analytics tab > Reporting sectionAll sales reports (Sales by Item, Sales by SalesRep, Sales by Customers etc.) do not pull up the transactions. 

1. As per issue 80331,sales reports display only transactions with items, which post to Income orOther Income accounts. 

2. Check the record of the items in thetransactions. 

3. Go to the Basic tab> take note of the account in the Income Account field.  

4. Navigate to Lists >Accounting > Accounts, check the type of the account and inform yourcustomer to consult his accountant as to what income account should be used ifhe wants to change the input on said field. 


NOTE: All transactions linked to the item will be affected even onclosed period, if you change the account on the item record (Income, COGS,Asset or Expense). 

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