Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Advanced Partner Center Role is Unable to See the CRM Groups Created by the Administrator

The Administrator created a dynamic customer group. The saved search used for the group is set to public. However, when a user with Advanced Partner Center role navigates to Customers > Relationships > Groups, the group does not show up in the list. Below is the setup of the custom role:

  • Partner Restrictions : None - No Default
  • Customer List: Full Access
  • CRM Group: Full Access

Under the Advanced Partner Center role, user noticed that the Show dropdown list is set to My Groups and there is no All Groups option.

A workaround for this is to create a shortcut using the group's URL on the Advanced Partner Center Role. To do this, perform the following steps:

1. Login as Administrator.

2. Navigate to Lists > Relationships > Groups.

3. View the Group.

4. Copy the URL.

5. Switch to the Advanced Partner Center Role.

6. Click the Home tab.

7. Click the Shortcuts portlet's New Shortcut link, under the dropdown menu in its upper right corner.

8. Enter a name for the shortcut link.

9. Paste the URL for the Group.

10. Click Save.

Note: Publish the Dashboard to make the group available to other users using the same role. For instructions, see Help Guide Topic: Publishing a Dashboard.



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